Olga Brycht

Z 13 let izkušenj v New York-u in USA, sem za nedoločen čas spet aktivna v Sloveniji. Na voljo za slikanje lepote, mode in produktov.

Business name

Olga Brycht

Olga Brycht

Z 13 let izkušenj v New York-u in USA, sem za nedoločen čas spet aktivna v Sloveniji. Na voljo za slikanje lepote, mode in produktov.

Gospejna ulica,
2000 Maribor





Born in Canada, raised in Slovenia and educated in the EU & US, Olga is a free spirited & fun loving photographer.

Her 13+ years working & living in Hawaii produced a colorful aesthetic that’s filled with a love for bright, sunny & happy shots.

Her work is feminine and tends to reflect her sense of fun and imagination - from working with color and texture through to creating island-like, summer escapist narratives.

Aware of the role she plays in shaping the media women consume, she’s committed to promoting diversity in the fashion and beauty industries.

Currently she’s based in NYC (& Slovenia) and when she’s not working, she’s probably calling her mom, eating out with friends or watching Netflix.

Member of APA - American Photographic Artists.


13 years izkušenj


Beauty & Fashion Photography, spontana fotografija


Willing to travel
I shoot videos


No additional data available yet.


V casu COVID-19 ponujam brez kontaktno slikanje vasih produktov v komercialnem ali editorialnem stilu z 15% popustom. CENA: 25EUR/photo -15% Vkljuceno v ceno je: - slikanje - retuširanje - styling - dostava vseh final fotografil v roku 1ega tedna

Expires on 17 - Apr - 2020
